Monday, December 11, 2017

Magic items, or lack there-of (Part 2)

Part 1 is here.

Previously I mentioned about having magic items as a set so that dual wielders can overcome the "ONLY ONE" true magic item limit. There's a much more sophisticated solution available.

1. One attunement-slot, +1 every tier
PCs start with one attunement-slot at level 1. At every new tier of play reached, the PC gains another attunement-slot. A PC need to dedicate one of her attunement-slots to each owned true magic item in order to equip and use that item.

2. Higher tier magic item = +1 attunement slot per tier needed
Higher grade true magic items (from higher tiers) need additional attunement-slots to be equipped. Example: A +1 longsword needs 1 attunement-slot to be equipped. A +2 longsword needs 2 attunement-slots. And so on.

There you go. PCs could still dual-wield true magic items in this system, and even wear a whole set of magic armor and weapon and shield. But most folks will want to cash in all their attunement-slots onto one vastly powerful magic item because it's more awesome that way.

I'm a weeee bit concerned that in my system, the attunement slots go all the way up to 4 total slots (four tiers of play). That means I'm looking at players using a +4 weapon. My monster math already dictates that warriors have about 60% chance to hit. A +4 weapon will drive this up to 80%. That's rather high.

Maybe they should only get an attunement slot starting from level 5, the second tier?

....naaaaaaaah. It's not like the hit chance reached the max of 95%, haha.


Updated ideas: Ah. Just like how ability score no longer increase hit chance, neither do magic weapons?

No. Players won't accept that. It's challenging enough for them to accept that strength no longer improves their chance to hit in melee, just the damage.

In that case, the +1 longsword gives +1 damage per level and +1 attack bonus. But the +1 flametongue gives +1d6 fire damage per level. Both swords require 1 attunement slot: they're considered the roughly same strength. The flametongue has a 20% damage increase in average damage over the +1 longsword, but of course the +1longsword is more consistent and works better against creatures resistant to fire.

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